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Still ‘turning wrenches’ at Depot Garage
Depot Garage
The Gustine Historical Society presented the Depot garage in Gustine with a plaque recognizing the business’ 100-plus year history. Pictured from left to right are Depot Garage Owner Jose Luis Reyenoso, Gustine Historical Society Director Derek Alexander, Gustine Historical Society Director Pat Snokes, Gustine Historical Society Director Judy Gandy and Depot garage Manager Aaron Cannon. - photo by Sabra Stafford

The Gustine Historical Society marked a special milestone for the Depot Garage, honoring a hundred years of the business and building in Gustine.

Actually, the Depot is a little bit older than 100 years but the Society wasn’t able to mark the actual 100 year mark because of the pandemic.

The business is currently owned by Jose Luis Reyenoso, who took it over in 1987 and is managed by Aaron Cannon, who started at the business cleaning floors in 1998.

The business offers general auto repair and has a loyal customer base.

One of the earliest mentions of the Depot Garage appeared in the Gustine Standard Aug. 6, 1920. The story states that Harry Forrest Sr., and William Pearce had “added a new hydraulic press for putting solid tires on truck wheels.”

“Pearce’s reputation as a mechanic is also keeping his shop full of automobiles and seven men are kept busy on full time,” the article states. 

“We’re still turning wrenches at the same spot,” said Cannon.

An ad from the Gustine Standard Feb. 4, 1920 advertises that business has Studebakers for $1,735.

An article from the Gustine Standard April 16, 1981 states that Forrest and Pearce bought the business from Jack Frates. Pearce sold his interest to Mike Ferry and eventually the business was sold in entirety to Harry Forrest Jr in 1957. The business changed to the ownership of Bob Voris in 1981.

Reyenoso has expanded the businesses footprint by purchasing nearby lots.