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Gustine well undergoes emergency repair
city of gustine

The City of Gustine had to authorize an emergency repair on Well No. 5 after it developed a significant leak.

The well is the City’s largest producing well and without it, the City’s water system would be unable to meet the Maximum Day Demand and Peak Hour Demand, according to the City staff report.

The well was showing “operational issues evidenced by significant leakage of the packing gland.”

City staff called upon Foster’s Pump to inspect the well and make their recommendations. Foster's Pumps removed the pump, shaft and miscellaneous components to inspect them at their shop. Their findings revealed a worn pump (bad bowls), bad shaft, shaft couplings, spider bearings, and other miscellaneous components. A video of the well casing was performed which showed significant build-up. In order to properly clean the well, the interior of the casing needed to be brushed, swabbed, and the well air lifted prior to installing the pump.

The conditions combined with the well’s importance to the City’s water supply, constituted an emergency condition for the City and immediate action was taken.

The emergency repair was $15,486 to brush, swab and air lifting the well. The repair of the pump, replacing the shaft, couplings and bearings came to $58.910.19. The total for the repairs came to $74,396.19. The funding came from the Water Fund. The expense was ratified by the City Council after the fact at the Feb. 18 City Council meeting as part of the consent calendar.