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City of Newman to use Nexus study to review development impact fees
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NEWMAN, CA – The City of Newman has unveiled a Public Draft version of the Nexus Study Update for the Citywide Capital Facilities Development Impact Fees program, marking an important step in addressing future development within the city.

This update aims to establish the required nexus—or reasonable relationship—between projected new development and the infrastructure improvements necessary to support that growth.

A nexus study is a formal analysis that ensures there is a fair and logical connection between the impact of new development and the funding needed for public services and infrastructure to accommodate that growth.

Capital Facilities Development Impact Fees are charges assessed on new development projects to help fund the construction of public facilities such as roads, parks, water systems, and other essential infrastructure. These fees ensure that the costs of expanded services required by growth are equitably distributed among those benefiting from the development.

The CFF Program is a City-implemented development impact fee program applicable to land uses within the City's Sphere of Influence. It is designed as a mechanism to fund backbone infrastructure and public facilities needed to serve the projected new residents and employees, addressing needs not covered by other funding sources.

This Nexus Study Update will revise the following fee components: Public safety, general government, transportation, sewer, storm drainage, water and administration.

The current CFF Program also includes Park fees; however, these fees are not being updated at this time. A Parks Master Plan is currently being prepared, and the City plans to revise Park fees following the adoption of this plan. Additionally, the update will consolidate the Water and Sewer fees, combining their respective development impact fees and connection fees into streamlined categories.

The City last adopted a comprehensive update to its CFF Program in 2002. Since then, annual fee adjustments have accounted for cost inflation. This Nexus Study Update provides a full review of the CFF Program and establishes the legally required findings necessary to implement the revised program fees.

The study will align the City's Capital Facility Fee program with the build-out of Newman’s General Plan Primary Sphere of Influence. It outlines the improvements required to effectively serve anticipated development. A copy of the Nexus Study Update is available online through the City’s source materials.

In collaboration with Economic & Planning Services, Inc., the City of Newman will host a virtual meeting to present an overview of the Nexus Study Update and provide an opportunity for public engagement. Residents are encouraged to submit their comments and questions on the draft by March 31. The City will review all input, make relevant changes, and address concerns before finalizing the study.

Virtual Meeting Information

  • Date: March 24, 2025
  • Time: 2:00 PM
  • Link: Microsoft Teams Meeting
  • Meeting ID: 289 394 268 202
  • Passcode: Zu93WP67

A public hearing on the Nexus Study Update is scheduled with the Newman City Council on April 22. The meeting time is set for 7 p.m. and will be at the Newman City Council Chambers at 938 Fresno Street, on the second floor.

Citizens are urged to participate in the process, shaping the future development of their community.