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Valley voters divided as election season heats up
Gray Duarte
The race for California’s 13th Congressional District between Democrat Adam Gray and Republican incumbent John Duarte is expected to be one to watch nationally, once again.

As the election season intensifies, voters across the Valley find themselves divided in their support for Congressional candidates Congressman John Duarte and former Assemblyman Adam Gray. Both candidates bring distinct backgrounds and political accomplishments to the race, making it a closely watched contest.

The latest polling data for California’s 10th Congressional District shows a tight race between Duarte and Gray. According to a recent poll by FiveThirtyEight, Duarte holds a slight lead with 48% of likely voters supporting him, while Gray has 45%. This close margin indicates a highly competitive race as both candidates continue to campaign vigorously.

Duarte, a fourth-generation farmer and businessman from Hughson, is the President of Duarte Nursery, a family-owned business known for its innovative agricultural practices.

Elected to Congress in 2020, his tenure has been marked by a focus on agricultural issues. Duarte has championed several key initiatives:

  • Water Rights and Resources: Duarte has been a vocal advocate for water rights, pushing for policies that ensure farmers have reliable access to water. He has supported legislation aimed at improving water infrastructure and storage to combat drought conditions that frequently affect the valley.
  • Agricultural Innovation: He has promoted technological advancements in agriculture, securing funding for research and development projects that benefit local farmers.
  • Immigration Reform: Understanding the importance of a stable workforce for the agricultural sector, Duarte has supported sensible immigration policies that provide a reliable labor force while ensuring fair treatment for workers.
  • Small Business Support: Duarte’s business background has informed his efforts to reduce taxes and regulations that burden small businesses, pushing for economic policies that support local entrepreneurs and stimulate job growth in the valley.

Gray, from Merced, has served as a dedicated public servant in various capacities. Before his political career, Gray worked as a legislative aide and advisor, gaining extensive experience in policy-making. He holds a degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Gray served in the California State Assembly representing the 21st District from 2012 to 2020. His legislative record is characterized by a commitment to education, healthcare, and economic development. Key highlights of his career include:

  • Education: Gray has been a strong advocate for improving the state’s education system, working to increase funding for schools, support teacher training programs, and expand access to higher education.
  • Healthcare: Gray’s work in healthcare includes efforts to expand access to medical services and reduce costs, supporting legislation to improve mental health services and enhance healthcare coverage for low-income families.
  • Economic Development: Gray has focused on creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in the Valley, championing policies that support local businesses, attract investment, and improve infrastructure.
  • Environmental Protection: While supporting economic growth, Gray has also prioritized environmental sustainability, backing measures to protect natural resources and promote clean energy.

As the election approaches, the voters of California’s 10th Congressional District will have to weigh the differing priorities and visions of Duarte and Gray to decide who will best represent their interests in Congress. The race has highlighted contrasting priorities and visions for the future of the Valley.

Jane Lopez, 25, a recent college graduate from Los Banos, expressed her support for Gray. “I believe Adam Gray understands the challenges young people face, especially those of us just starting our careers. His focus on education and job creation is something that really resonates with me. I’ve seen too many friends struggle to find decent jobs after graduation, and Gray’s plans for expanding vocational training and internship opportunities are exactly what we need. Duarte seems to be more focused on agricultural issues, which are important, but Gray’s broader approach to economic development is what we need right now.”

Lopez also emphasized Gray’s commitment to affordable housing. “Housing prices are skyrocketing, and it’s tough to find a place to live that doesn’t take up most of your paycheck. Gray’s proposals for increasing affordable housing units and offering incentives for first-time homebuyers give me hope.”

On the other hand, Carlos Mendez, 27, a college student from Newman, favors Duarte. “John Duarte has a solid track record when it comes to supporting small businesses. He’s been vocal about reducing taxes and regulations, which can really help young people like me who have hopes of wanting to open their own business. Duarte understands the pressure that small businesses are under, especially after the pandemic. Gray’s policies seem more geared towards larger, urban areas, and I don’t think they would benefit our local economy as much as Duarte’s would.”

Mendez highlighted Duarte’s advocacy for better infrastructure. “Improving our local roads and internet access is crucial for our area. Duarte’s commitment to these issues means a lot to us here in the valley.”

Susan Thompson, 31, a retired teacher from the Bay Area now living in Gustine, is undecided but leaning towards Gray. “Education is my top priority, and Gray has consistently shown support for improving our schools and increasing funding for educational programs. He understands the need for smaller class sizes, better teacher salaries, and more resources for students. Duarte has some good ideas too, especially regarding agricultural education, but I feel Gray has a more comprehensive plan that could benefit all students.”

Thompson also mentioned the importance of healthcare in her decision. “As a former teacher, I see how healthcare access affected my students and their families. Gray’s plan to expand healthcare coverage and improve mental health services is something that Duarte hasn’t addressed as thoroughly.”

Mark Roberts, 48, a welder in Patterson, is a staunch supporter of Duarte. “Duarte comes from an agricultural background, and he truly understands the issues we face as farmers. He’s been a strong advocate for water rights and agricultural policies that protect our livelihoods. Agriculture is the backbone of our economy here, and Duarte’s efforts to secure water resources and support farming innovations are critical.”

Roberts pointed out Duarte’s work on immigration reform as it relates to farming. “Having a reliable labor force is essential for us. Duarte’s approach to sensible immigration policies that support farm workers is something Gray hasn’t addressed to the same extent.”

Eleanor Davis, 73, a retired nurse in Gustine, supports Gray. “Healthcare is very important to me, and I believe Gray’s policies will help improve access and affordability for everyone. As someone who worked in healthcare for many years, I know how crucial it is to have proper funding and support for our hospitals and clinics. Duarte’s focus seems to be elsewhere, and while I appreciate his work in other areas, Gray’s commitment to healthcare is what matters most to me.”

Davis also highlighted Gray’s stance on senior services. "Gray has plans to expand services for seniors, including better Medicare coverage and more support for home care. At my age, these issues are very personal and critical."