The filing period for those seeking to serve the community of Gustine, whether through the city council or the school district, opened on July 15.
The Nov. 5 election will see Gustine residents voting for mayor and two members of the city council. The Gustine Unified School District has three seats up on the board – Area 2,3 and 4.
The filing period for the Nov. 5 election opened on July 15 and closes on Aug. 9, unless the current incumbent opts to not seek re-election. In those cases the filing period is extended to 5 p.m. on Aug. 14.
Official nomination documents will be available by appointment at:
Merced County ROV
Central Count Facility
250 E. 15th Street
Merced, CA 95341
(209) 385-7541
As of Monday afternoon, only two candidates have filed paperwork for the election.
Current Gustine Mayor Pat Nagy has filed to seek re-election. For GUSD Zachery Ramos has filed to seek re-election for the board seat he holds representing Area 3.
Area 2 is currently represented by Kevin Edward Cordeiro, who was appointed to the seat and Loretta May Rose represents Area 4.
City Council seats held by James Bonta, who was appointed last time in lieu of any other candidates, and Blake Giles, who was appointed to a vacant seat are both up for election.
If no one, or only one person, is nominated for any elected office, appointment to such elective office may be made as prescribed by California Elections Code Section 10229.
For more information on filing candidacy papers, including requirements, visit