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Hotel Mission De Oro unveils innovative greenhouse project
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The Hotel Mission De Oro in Santa Nella operates a state-of-the-art greenhouse that is changing the landscape of farm-to-fork. - photo by Zachery Ramos

The Hotel Mission De Oro in Santa Nella is not only a picturesque retreat but a burgeoning hub of innovation and sustainability. At the core of its latest endeavors is the state-of-the-art greenhouse project that looks to expand farm-to-table dining while advancing agricultural research.

The greenhouse, a gleaming glass structure, represents a commitment to quality and sustainability. “The main goal is to provide better and fresher produce to our restaurant while growing unique heirloom varieties that aren’t commercially available,” shared Sean Adams, the head agronomist at Hotel Mission De Oro. “We also aim to create a more immersive experience for our guests by integrating the greenhouse into the hotel’s aesthetic and culinary offerings.”

Adams continued, “We wanted to showcase the farm-to-table philosophy and bring people who are passionate about food to experience something special. It’s not just about providing fresh produce; it’s about creating a food mecca where guests can see and taste the difference.”

Operating on soilless systems, the greenhouse uses significantly less water than traditional farming methods. By capturing and reusing runoff water, it minimizes waste and conserves precious resources. Additionally, the greenhouse reduces carbon emissions by eliminating the need for long-distance produce transportation, supporting the hotel’s farm-to-table philosophy.

“We’re able to harvest produce daily, ensuring only the freshest ingredients reach our kitchen, reducing food waste significantly,” Adams explained. “This approach aligns perfectly with the hotel’s commitment to sustainability and culinary excellence. Growing soilless allows us to control nutrient delivery precisely, optimizing plant health and yield while minimizing environmental impact.”

The greenhouse’s innovative practices extend to its energy efficiency. “We’ve implemented climate control systems that allow us to push the growing seasons while working with nature, reducing energy costs and ensuring a stable growing environment,” Adams noted.

The greenhouse cultivates a diverse array of produce, including tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and an assortment of herbs and exotic fruits. With a background in culinary arts, Adams brings a unique perspective, introducing innovative ingredients that elevate the hotel’s menu.

“I’ve always appreciated the value of quality ingredients,” Adams remarked. “Seeing the difference between produce harvested at its peak and what’s typically available commercially is astounding. Our guests can truly taste the difference, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see their reactions.”

Among the greenhouse’s offerings are unique varieties such as yellow watermelon, pine berries, and musk strawberries. “These are popular in other parts of the world but rarely seen here. I’m excited for our guests to try them and experience something new,” Adams added.

The greenhouse also serves as a research facility for Morning Star and its sister companies. Current projects include optimizing nutrient delivery for maximum yield and minimal waste, contributing to more efficient agricultural practices on a larger scale. This collaboration exemplifies the hotel’s role as a leader in sustainable agriculture and innovation.

“We’re conducting feeding trials to determine the optimal amount of nutrients for tomato production,” Adams explained. “The goal is to maximize yield while reducing resource use. Even small improvements can have a significant impact when scaled up, benefiting both the environment and the agricultural industry.”

For Adams, the project is more than just a job—it’s a passion. "Having worked as a chef, I know how transformative high-quality ingredients can be," he shared. "It's incredibly rewarding to grow these amazing products and see our guests enjoy them. When you taste a tomato that's been ripened on the vine versus one that was picked green and shipped, the difference is night and day."

Adams also enjoys collaborating with the hotel's chefs on menu ideas. "It's exciting to introduce them to ingredients they may not have used before and see their creativity flourish. We're constantly experimenting with new varieties and flavors to keep our offerings fresh and exciting."

As the greenhouse continues to thrive, plans are in place to expand its offerings and further integrate its produce into the hotel's culinary program. Seasonal menus, influenced by the freshest greenhouse harvests, will become a staple, ensuring guests enjoy the best nature has to offer year-round.